My life, my hobbies, my real self

Megane TOP10

I know some of you out there are weak to boys who wear glasses, there’s no need to hide it!

I personally enjoy this trope from time to time, intellectual guys are very attractive.

Here’s my TOP10 of favorite megane ikemen, enjoy!

10- Reiji- Diabolik Lovers

The brain of Sakamaki family; always polite and diligent, he loses his temper only when he deals with Shuu. He wants to use his knowledge to become the next head of the family.

9- Kent- Amnesia

Stoic, cool and composed, this math genius is completely incapable of showing his feelings to the girl he loves; he seems to be heartless, but he just needs time to open up.

8- Shido Kaname- Bad Medicine

I hope you’re good at English, because this teacher won’t allow you to get bad grades; he’s a control freak, so if you somehow break the school rules, be prepared to enter hell!

7- Ukyo- Brothers Conflict

A serious lawyer, who is actually kinda awkward at expressing his feelings; he takes care of his younger brothers and protects Ema when they are too flirty with her.

6- Van Helsing- Code Realize

His painful past made him cold, as if there’s no feeling left in him; making him fall in love will be very hard, but totally worth the effort.

5- Saku- Gakuen Club

He loves reading books and he’s also a talented writer, even if he’s hiding his true identity.

Despite being introverted, he’s not too shy around girls and it was always pleasant to talk to him.

4- Keito- Charade Maniacs

He hates women and dislikes dealing with people in general, since he has trust issues; but after all, he loves taking care of others with his delicious cooking.

3- Shougo- Nil Admirari no tenbin

He’s such an helpless tsundere, despite his words might seem uncaring from time to time, his real feelings are always obvious; he’s really pure, perfect boyfriend material.

2- Atsumori- Gekka Ryouran Romance

Sadistic and cold, he thinks everything in this world could be obtained with the power of money, even love; he can’t trust people at all, since he’s being neglected by his family since childhood. Can you gain his trust?

1- Yuri- Shinobi koi utsutsu

When he’s embarrassed, his face turns completely red like a tomato and he starts mumbling nonsense… do I need more reasons to love him? His reactions are so over the top, I couldn’t help but laugh all the time and fall in love with him really hard!

Who’s your favorite megane boy?


Taisho Alice Heads and Tails


Charade Maniacs


  1. Mahlenneth

    I love megane boys <3
    My fav from your list is Kent.
    The other ones I don't know much. I haven't played the games yet ^^''

    • otomeland

      It took me 2 games to like Kent, but he’s a nice person after all. Maybe one day I’ll be able to play Amnesia World too, it’s the only game I still miss!

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