Despite being a huge fan of Teita’s art, I didn’t buy Hyakka Hyakurou when it was released: I’m usually not interested in wafuu games, so I decided to skip it; but many of my friends played it immediately, and the reviews were good, so there was a part of me who secretly wanted to try it out.

The chance came when a localisation was announced, with the title Nightshade, so I had no excuses!

I’ve decided to play it in english and I don’t regret it: the translation seemed pretty good to me, I didn’t find any terrible typos or mistakes.

Following the advice of my friends, I’ve chosen a less suffering path, which would slowly take me to the most suffering route, but with some releaf in between.

I’m not brave enough to go for a gradual excalation of pain……………

I’ve played Hanzo first, who is a serious and loyal shinobi; I loved how the relationship with Enju developed naturally, without any forced scene.

Sometimes, when there are strong and older characters, the bad writing leads me to ask myself when and why the characters fell in love with each other; this was not the case!

I could feel their attachment grow day by day, and Hanzo’s heart gradually melted until he started to feel something which he never experienced in his life: love.

The plot was harsh and made me suffer a lot, but I appreciated how Enju made her final resolution and decided for herself, without leaving vengeance to someone else; she had to do it, and she didn’t hesitate. She’s a very strong person.

Choujiro’s route destroyed me emotionally, I cryed and got angry so many times…. but the ending made up for it, I never thought he could tell such sweet words.

I was a bit disappointed fot the first half of the route, because it took him long time to take a resolution and stand up for himself as a person, not only a shinobi; it made me sad, even if I obviously understood all the implications.

It’s just that….. Gekkamaru is perfect in every single route, not only in his own, and the others sometimes can’t compare…………’s not their fault, I blame Gekkamaru’s loyalty!

Anyway, Choujiro was a great character, I loved his relationship with Enju: they aren’t just lovers, they act like a family and trust each other since when they were little; they just didn’t know how to express their feelings properly.

After all this terrible suffering, Goemon’s route felt like a blessing.

His carefree personality, his flirty attitude, and most of all the lack of tragedy in his route helped me a lot to recover…. I somehow felt like I was playing an otome game again!

I also appreciated a lot his view about life: he told Enju that she’s living for herself, not for her village, and I firmly agree with that; there’s no need for this poor girl to sacrifice herself and become just a pawn in the politician’s hands!

I can’t believe I agreed with a thief, but I approved all this words and actions.

Kuroyuki shocked me in a good way: I suffered alot, but I loved his route the most.

I didn’t know he could be so sad and lonely, because he was hiding his true feelings behind a mask the whole time; when I got to know him better, I felt my heart ache, but I was also afraid of him.

There were so many mixed feelings: I went through happiness, shock, fear, pain… and I loved every single moment.

Gekkamaru’s route was the most tragic, but there were sweet and emotional moments too.

Instead of a bodyguard, he looks more like a perfect prince, that’s why I fell in love with him at first sight. He was so loyal and devoted, I actually had second hand embarassment in some scenes, but… I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

I was afraid to see him turning yandere, because of his strong desire to protect Enju, but he didn’t become too obsessive and I’m glad about it.

His whole route looked more like an attempt to break my heart, but somehow I even survived the bad ending; it was hard work tho.

Would I recommend this game? YES.

It’s so rare for a wafuu game to catch my attention, but this was so amazing I couldn’t stop playing.

The characters are interesting and the writing is very good; the relationships develop in a good pace, nothing seems forced: even if there are battles and pain, love grows naturally.

Since it was released in english too, and the localisation seemed pretty good to me, I highly suggest everyone to try it; you won’t be disappointed, just be ready to suffer. It’s worth it, I swear!