I’ve been recommended by many friends to try The House in Fata Morgana, even if it’s not an otome game: it’s a dark visual novel, creepy and twisted. How could I refuse playing it?

My expectations were really high and they were completely fulfilled!

The player wakes up in an unknown house, completely unaware of his identity and the reasons she/he’s there; a black hair girl, who introduces herself as The Maid, guides him/her around the house, leading the player through dark corridors, always holding his/her hand.

The Maid apparently knows all the secrets of that place and she’s trying to make her “master” remember about the past: but what is reality, and what is just a dream?

To help the player regain their memory, she opens many different doors, each one of them showing tragic events of the past, happened at the house, which is apparently cursed.

I can’t tell you what happens behind each door, not even my opinion about it, since the shock is one of the main points of the tragedy, if you decide to go through this game.

I can only tell you, that watching is painful for different reasons: for the psychological and physical pain some of the characters go through, for the angst and for the rage you’ll feel.

But I think it’s really worth experiencing, it’s been a long time since I felt so involved in a game, I couldn’t bring myself to stop playing and I restlessly went through a different door each day, waiting for my heart to be crushed.

What pierced my heart the most, was the truth about The Maid, which is the fifth door: good luck if you’re brave enough to reach that point.

I usually talk about otome games in my blog, not just any kind of visual novel, but love plays a huge part in this game too, so I guess I’m not completely off topic.

The main genre are probably horror and mystery, even if “despair” is probably the best words to describe The House in Fata Morgana.

If you’re a person like me who enjoys dark stories and twisted characters, I highly recommend to try out this amazing game: I’m not exaggerating, I consider this a true masterpiece.

But you really need to be mentally prepared, there’s a lot of pain waiting for you.

There are also many sensitive topics, like abuse and violence, so if you’re particularly sensitive to these, it’s probably better if you stay out of this hell.

But if you think you can take it, I guarantee it’s absolutely worth it.