This top 10 was somehow harder to make, because blue has many different shades… anyway, these are my favorite blue hair ikemen, enjoy!

10- Takeru (kamiaso)


He’s the Japanese God of the sea, with great swordplay skills.
At first he can act quite cold and rude, but he’s surprisingly sensitive and caring with the people he loves.

9- Masato (utapri)


Serious and cool, he’s the elder son of a rich family.
He looks always calm and stoic, because he recieved a very strict education, but he can show his soft side too.

8- Homare (Starry sky)


He’s the captain of the archery club, and he represents the sign of Taurus.
He’s always gentle and mature, that’s why he’s a great mediator when there are arguments between club members.

7- Akito (Norn9)


He may act rude most of the time, but he’s just a tsundere who enjoys cooking and he’s terribly afraid of birds.

6- Garaiya (Shinobi koi utsutsu)

Lonesome and quite weird, he keeps talking to himself about things nobody understands. When he’s under the effect of the jutsu, he surprisingly becomes a yandere!

5-Yukito (Glass heart princess)

His cold appearance is just a mask: he’s actually sweet tsundere who loves animals.

4- Sousuke (Klap)

He has a bad attitude at first, but he starts to melt soon. He’s an half, being son of a human and a yukionna, so he can make it snow out of nowhere!

3- Sapphire/Aoshi (Jewelic Nightmare)

He has a double personality, depending on the world: he can be a quiet boy who loves taking photos, or a dangerous do-s shota. I’ll be honest: I loved both sides equally!

2- Yamato (Kokuchou no Psychedelica)

He acts strong and cool, but he actually hides his pain and weaknesses. He carries a lot of pain in his heart, and the feeling of guilt which haunts him.

1- Ikki (Amnesia)

He’s one of my favorite character ever: I love his personality, he seems so cool and confident, but actually he’s just fragile and lonely; he needs desperately to feel real love, and he’s looking for someone who can truly appreciate him as he is, without looking only at his appearance.
When he falls in love, he’s so caring that I was fangilring like crazy (his route in amnesia later is one of my all time favorites).


Next week, I’m going for black hair! \(^o^)/