Most of my followers asked me to write reviews about all the Diabolik Lovers games, and this made me really happy; but I prefer to share my experience with this series, before starting.

I know many people dislike it, others even hate it, and I can fully understand why: the concept is unusual for an otoge, and some characters may be even disturbing for someone who is not into this kind of situations.

I think the fandom made things even worst, unfortunately, after the terrible anime adaptations aired.

Anyway, since I’m not in any way part of the fandom, despite liking the games, I’m not here to judge that; I just want to talk about myself.

Diabolik Lovers Hunted Dark Bridal was one of my first otoge, and I admit I was very shocked when I’ve played it for the first time.

Despite all the abuse and violence, I was really interested in those characters, because it felt like something different, that I couldn’t even imagine to play in my life: are they “real” vampires? I mean, they don’t sparkle or stupid scenes like that, they act cruel and sadistic! That’s amazing!

Call me weird if you want, but I appreciated that. It would have been easier to attract people just by using tsundere vampires, making the game more appealing like “Twilight”, but Rejet chose a different approach.

Unfortunately, More Blood was a disappointment for the most part.

I was very interested in the Mukami, and I appreciated the growth of the Sakamaki; but not everyone got a real improvement, some routes suffered a terrible writing and a general escalation of violence. Ayato’s route was very painful to sit trough, it was nothing but random abuses repeating in each scene.

For this reason, I’ve decided to stay away from Vandead Carnival; and after reading some reviews, I’m glad I did.

When Dark Fate was announced, I wasn’t very interested. At first I thought that I was already done with this game, and I didn’t want to get involved anymore; but somehow, I couldn’t resist the impulse to know more about the new characters.

In the end, I’ve decided to give a chance to the Tsukinami brothers, and bought that game.

It was really good for me to see some evolution in Yui’s relationship with the boys: many people thought it was just a smart move from Rejet, which tried to gain back some of the fans they lost with the previous game; it may be true, but I prefer to see it also as a natural growth of the characters, who finally started to feel some “human emotions”.

Some of the issues left in More Blood where solved too, and I was sure that it was the true ending of the series. Well, I was wrong.

Lunatic Parade was announced, and I decided to play that too, even if I was sure that it wasn’t going to be a memorable game. It was not bad anyway, it could have been better, but I don’t complain too much.

When I’ve seen Lost Eden’s trailer for the first time, I had mixed feelings: a part of me was happy, another part was angry. I’m happy, because I can get to play my favorites one more time; also, there’s a new character; but I’m also angry, because I feel that Dark Fate could be a good conclusion, which actually made sense.

Needless to say, I’m going to play that too, even if I know I may regret it.

I just hope this new game won’t waste anything good that was done in the past, but will add something new and fresh to the plot, before it starts gets boring.

I wanted to tell you briefly my opinion, before writing my reviews about the single games; I don’t want to take part in fanwars, so…………….. if you don’t like, don’t read. Simple as it is.