My life, my hobbies, my real self

Categoria: otoge reviews Page 12 of 14

Kamigami no asobi


Before I started playing Kamiaso, I was very hyped: I’ve watched the anime first, so I had a lot of expectations… but I wasn’t completely satisfied.

The plot and the characters seemed all interesting to me, and I’m also glad that Broccoli decided to add gods from different countries.

I’ve played Loki first, because he was the one who worried me the most: the anime made his relationship with Balder look like some kind of BL stuff, so I wanted to get him done immediately.

I won’t lie, in the beginning some scenes were like that, but it slowly went better and it was overall better than I imagined; after he confessed, I really enjoyed his route.

The love ending were the best, because the destinies felt too tragic and involved the poor Balder (who basically kept dying about 4 times in this game).

Apollo’s route was very different from my expectations.

His personality seems bright and cheerful, but he actually hides his true feelings: in the ending, it was quite sad to understand that most of his kindness towards the heroine was because she reminded him of Cassandra.

The plot became quite dark and depressing, I really felt sad for him.

I’ve played Takeru without great excitement, I’m not that interested in tsundere usually.

Surprisingly, I liked him a lot!

At first he was just randomly insulting the poor heroine, but then he opened up about his past and I really felt sorry for him; his confession scene was good, I hoped also for a romantic ending… but I guess I can’t ask too much.

That 8 headed dragon was random honestly, but the destiny ending when Tsukito died made me cry a river, the writing was awesome!

Ade’s route reminded me of Starry sky sometimes, when he was talking about the stars for so long… I admit I got bored.

His endings were very sad, but I appreciated them all, even the bad ones; we can even say that a true “happy ending” doesn’t exist, because he couldn’t successfully get rid of the curse.

When he decided to go back to the underworld all alone to save everyone, sacrificing himself, I swear I got very emotional. Poor boy, his fate is so cruel… I really wished to see him happy.

Tsukito is a typical kuudere, and it was hard for me to play his route without falling asleep: he basically doesn’t talk, has no emotions, and making him smile was really hard.

Broccoli decided to fill his route by adding Amaterasu, who looked way more interesting tbh.

I’ve left Balder for last, because I knew he was a yandere and I’m always interested in those kind of twisted personalities. Also, I felt like his CGs were the best in the whole game!

Unfortunately, I wasn’t satisfied with the endings, because they reminded me too much of Loki’s destinies ones. There was a great potential for this route, but Broccoli decided to ruin everything with a useless copypasta.

In the anime, Loki/Balder relationship was ruined adding some sort of BL stuff, while in the game it suffered the lack of originality.

After the main routes, I still had the short ones left: the Egyptian gods.

I don’t even know how to describe Anubi’s route………. terrible may be the right word.

He’s basically a little child acting like a dog, how could someone fall in love with him? He may be cute, but… not as a love interest.

I know many girls like shotas, but this is too much, come on!

It felt like a useless waste of time, but I had to clear it anyway to unlock Thoth.

I liked Thoth in the anime, and his route was as I expected it.

I’ve seen many people hating on him, but I don’t get why; ok, sometimes he may act creepy or rude, but it didn’t bother me that much. At least, it wasn’t boring!

I only have one complain: his love ending.

It should probably be the “real ending” of the game, because he’s the last character to unlock, but…. it’s not fair! I mean, it’s absurd to me!

I just wished to see his human form, but I guess the writers chose something more original, at least for the very end.

Do I recommend this game?

Well… I guess so? The pros are more than the cons, at least for my personal experience.

The art is amazing, there’s not even need to talk about it; the characters are interesting, and the setting too; the plot, overall, is well written; there are funny moments but also sad ones, so this game has an equal balance of emotions.

But I can’t deny that many endings are too similar, they didn’t even try to think about something different; also, seeing the young version of Zeus was awkward. I know, it’s stupid to say, but… WHY?!

Anyway, I decided to play the sequel too…. and it wasn’t a good experience.

Mermaid Gothic


No matter which Quinrose game I choose to try, I really can’t take them seriously; even when they’re not that bad, I can’t erase completely a feeling of “wtf am I playing?!”.

I admit it, sometimes I just take a look and decide to play one of them because it seems trashy and I want to laugh about it, so I can’t complain that much.

If you’re reading this review, you probably know that already, so… let’s talk about the plot first.

This was supposed to be an otoge version of the Mermaid fairy tale, or something like that: in fact, the plot kind of reminds of the original, even if there are new characters and many differences.

The heroine is the mermaid princess, who lives trapped in a cage, because she made a huge mistake: she saved a young boy from drowning, by giving him blood.

Apparently, if humans drink mermaid’s blood become immortal and don’t even age anymore, but it was a huge secret that shouldn’t have been revealed.

Since that day, the sea became black and everyone started to blame the mermaid princess: everyone thinks that humans are just trying to capture all the mermaids to drink their blood; the only hope left to survive, is killing the prince.

The King offered to the princess a chance to redeem herself: she has to be the one who goes to the human’s world and save them all, so she can be free again and also be forgiven.

She obviously accepts, and she goes alone out of the sea, looking like a human, to kill the prince.

I know, this has nothing to to with the original plot, but believe me, it gets even weirder later.

For example, we get to know that people close to death can see a normal blue sea, which seems completely random, but ok.

The heroine was badass and funny: that’s something I’m always glad about in Quinrose games, I usually enjoy the heroine and Lydia was no exception.

Her sister was… creepy? I mean, she seemed to be really in love with her, like a yandere or something like that…. I don’t even know if it was funny or just weird.

My favorite route was Loki’s.

He’s supposed to have the role of Ursula in the fairytale, but here he’s a boy with pink hair instead. He helped her to become human, but she refused to give away her voice and they made a different deal: she couldn’t say any romantic words.

Basically, she couldn’t confess to anyone.

It wasn’t a great problem anyway; if the boy confessed, she just kissed him and everything was settled immediately!

I’ll be honest, he’s so crazy that I was just expecting a funny route, but it was actually quite sad and there was an interesting plot: I think it was the only one really worth playing, because even the writing was good.

There’s no need to talk about other individual routes this time, there were even too many playable characters without a real plot… I’ll just talk about the prince, because he was obviously the main character and the route with the real ending.

He’s the boy she saved from drowning, giving him blood and making him immortal; but he had nothing to do with the black sea, he was just looking for her because he wanted to go back being a normal human again.

That’s something which really bothered me: every time there was the big revelation, when Lydia admitted to be the mermaid who saved him, he wasn’t surprised at all… he was really calm, like it was nothing! He didn’t even want proofs, he just answered: “I’m glad I can meet you again, I’ve been looking for you!” and it seemed so awkward!

I guess I’m just expecting too much from a troll game like this, everything seemed just made to entertain and not to be taken seriously.

Do I recommend this?

I guess “play it for the LOLs”?

It’s not a serious game, but it’s enjoyable if you are just looking for entertainment.

The characters are crazy, the plot is absurd, the heroine is funny and the CGs are so many; even if the quality is not great, I don’t think it’s bad either.

Some of the dialogues are so weird that I was laughing and facepalming the whole time, at least I was never bored.

Sometimes I’m sad that QuinRose has closed, those trashy moments are sadly over now.

Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate


After my bad experience with More Blood, I decided to give up Diabolik Lovers for a while: I didn’t play Vandead Carnival and it was a good idea, probably, because the reviews are terrible.

When Dark Fate was announced, I wasn’t very interested; but then the curiosity to try the new characters won over rationality, and I’ve bought this game too.

I’ve realized immediately that it’s very different from More Blood: there’s less violence and the characters seem to care about Yui as a person, finally.

Overall, the psychological and physical abuse decreased, because they act less sadistic and selfish; well, almost everyone.

This time, I’ve decided to start from Laito.

I can’t believe he stopped calling her “bitch chan”, it was about time to use her real name!

Also, I’m glad to see that this route was coherent with More Blood’s endings, I couldn’t stand to go back to the old times, when he kept thinking about Cordelia and thought all women were toys.

Even Kanato’s attitude improved in this game, I finally could enjoy his route: he never told Yui that she should die, that’s a miracle! Somehow he grew up a bit and stopped acting always like a spoiled brat.

I was glad to play my tsundere Subaru again, all the random anger that made him so violent in the previous game almost disappeared; I appreciated to know more about the relationship with his mother, even if the ending made me really sad.

His route was very good, there was everything: romanticism, sadness, emotions, tragedy… everything I needed!

Reiji had a good character development too: he finally got rid of his inferiority complex and realized that his father didn’t love Shu more than him.

But what about Beatrix? We know everything about Cordelia, and also about Christa. I don’t get why there are so little information about her, I’m interested!

Instead, I unfortunately met Cordelia in Ayato’s route.

She was way better in this game, and I’m glad that she acted like a mother at least once, but… I don’t care anymore about her tbh.

At least, Ayato was not violent and sadistic as in More Blood, or I swear I would have dropped his route this time, for real.

Yuma’s route was perfect, I loved every single moment! He finally discovered the truth about his past, and it made me really emotional… he’s such a good boy, he deserves to be happy.

I can’t believe that finally Rejet gave him a truly happy ending, it felt too good to be true.

Ruki’s route was disappointing.

I was hoping to see some kind of strategic battle, but it was mostly angst and his feelings of guilt towards Karlheintz. This is understandable, Ruki carries an heavy responsibility and he doesn’t want to betray his benefactor, but it was quite boring.

Suddenly, he completely changed his mind and decided that he wanted to be honest with his feelings and admit his love for Yui… I don’t know, the writing had some problems here.

Azusa’s route had the opposite problem: too many things happening so fast, and some of them were unexpected and shocking! It was nice to see him actually doing something, instead of just being a do-m and watching his brothers do everything; but his attitude changed too much, he seemed like a different person! It was probably for Yui’s sake, to protect her, but still creepy.

Finally, I decided to give a try to the new characters.

Shin was less violent than I imagined, his route wasn’t that bad; of course, he doesn’t have any feeling towards Yui in the beginning, so he acts too rudely (I even had some kind of More blood flashbacks).

His relationship with his brother was interesting, there were so many mixed feelings that I couldn’t help but wonder what he’s actually thinking about him. Hate? Respect? Revenge? I’m still not sure.

Carla was disappointing and quite rage inducing.

I was waiting for some great revelations, but his route was just random violence… I got really bored. It made me remember Ayato’s route in More Blood, and that’s the worse I can think of in otoge’s history! (well, maybe not… but you get the idea)

I liked the Tsukinami’s background, but the routes seemed almost useless to me… I think it’s a big waste, they could be very interesting!

I left Kou and Shu for last, because they are my favorites and I had great expectations.

Kou’s route was probably the best of the game, everything was perfect! There was the right amount of angst, regret, pain… and finally, happiness.

I think Kou has the saddest past of them all, that’s why seeing him happy makes me feel good too!

I only have a complaint: in the good ending, everything gets solved too easily, and the Tsukinami seem to disappear without any battle… why?! This happened in many routes, not just in Kou’s.

Deus ex machina, anyone?

Shu’s route was nice, but nothing compared to the first game.

I’m not disappointed, but not even satisfied: it feels like the writers didn’t put too much effort because he’s already popular enough.

Well, at least they didn’t ruin him, maybe I should just be happy about it!

Do I recommend this?

For those who love Diabolik Lovers, yes!

If you survived More Blood, (and even Vandead Carnival) this will be a really nice game: the writing really improved, the violence decreased and the plot was interesting in almost every route.

Sometimes I feel like Karlheintz is the real main character of the series: he planned and predicted every move, and he seems to be like some kind of god.

I can’t hate him after all, you can clearly see his love for the Mukami and for his sons too.

Kou and Subaru got the best routes, but Yuma’s got the best ending for sure!

Shin was an interesting surprise, Azusa’s route was shocking and Carla was the biggest disappointment of the game.

I won’t review Lunatic Parade: it was just a mediocre FD, I don’t even know what I should write about it. But I’m going to buy Lost Eden for sure!

Re:birthday song Koi o utau shinigami


It took me a while, before playing Re:birthday song: Satoi’s art attracted me so much, but I was afraid that the sad story would made me desperately cry in the end.

Anyway, I won over my fears, and I finally started it.

The beginning of the game seemed quite nice, even funny: the heroine failed her exams, and she got assigned to another class, where she met all the main characters.

Then she had to do a lot of silly works with them, like taking care of animals, which made this everything but a nakige! But obviously, it couldn’t last forever.

I’ve started playing from Kairi, who looked like the nicest out of all: in fact, he was a very sweet guy, and he kept taking care of the heroine.

Also, he said a line I personally appreciated, that was something like “I want you to be confident, you should love yourself like I do”. It really got me, it’s a simple yet wonderful line, I think I’ve never heard it anywhere else and it felt good!

His past was very sad, as expected; also, the heroine had many problems to become shinigami at first, because she couldn’t stand people dying. I can understand this, but…….. once you know what a shinigami is, you must be prepared! It doesn’t make sense, if you say it’s a cool job, then you can’t do it properly when your time comes.

It was nice to see Kairi recovering from his traumatic past, discovering the reality behind his death and finally send his father to heaven. I enjoyed both the Happy ending and the Shinigami ending equally, the most important thing for me was to see Kairi smiling happily, after all that pain in his childhood!

Ame was nice to play, I loved his soothing personality.

The overall plot was too similar to Kairi’s route, but as you will see in the real ending all the characters were connected to the heroine in the real world, that’s why she met them again in the underworld and could reborn with them.

His secret felt a bit weird and out of place, compared to the realism of Kairi’s tragic past, but it also fit his character really well, so I’m not complaining.

But why no kiss CG?? their relationship was really cute, but they looked more like brother and sister instead of lovers.

Shun’s route was the most tragic to me: I hated his mother at first, but so many terrible things happened… I couldn’t help to feel sorry for her too.

In the beginning it was a bit boring, because he just skipped all the lessons and the poor heroine had also to take punishments; but then it’s tsundere side came out, and he was really cute.

Yoru was my favorite!

He was very serious and strict, but also caring and supporting, when he helped the heroine to study; the sudden kiss scene was very unexpected and gorgeous, I loved it! His past wasn’t even sad, so this route had no boring and overdramatic issue to solve, it focused more on their relationship.

Also, the resurrection ending was really cute, I loved them together!

Nami sensei’s route was a bit boring at first: I had to pair up with Yuyu, and at that point his childish voice really annoyed me, I couldn’t stand him anymore.

Many people seemed to hate Nami, but I had no problems with him… or maybe it’s just because I’m used to yandere and I think they are interesting most of the time; I’ve played way worse routes, this wasn’t disturbing at all!

My only complain were the endings: they were good for the character himself, but since this was the last route, which revealed all the secrets behind the school, I was also hoping for a great ending that involved equally all the characters.

All those flashbacks in the epilogue were not satisfying at all!

I would have loved to see the heroine standing on her own, without choosing anyone of them… but I guess this is impossible.

Do I recommend this game?

Well…. I don’t thinks so.

It’s not bad, don’t give me wrong! But I think there are too many lacking points:

  • Too much copy pasta

    Once you’re done with the first route, you can easily predict what will happen in the others.

    And this is boring as hell, because the only thing left to know is the reason why they died, and it’s always sad or rage inducing.

  • Too many slow scenes

    Some dialogues felt useless and pretty boring; I couldn’t even pay attention and got easily distracted.

  • The CGs felt inconsistent

    This is very painful to see, because I love Satoi, but some CGs have weird angles or wrong timing. I don’t think it’s her fault, she probably draw what honeybee requested her, but someone here made huge mistakes! When CGs are needed, you only see a white screen; then, you see useless CG when there’s no need at all.

That said, this is not a kusoge at all: the overall plot is interesting, some scenes made me cry, and I loved the characters; Yoru most of all, was a really nice boy.

I will probably play Un:birthday too, because it looks more interesting and I’m curious about the older Shinigami; but I won’t get my expectations too high, because it may have the same problems as this.

Diabolik Lovers More Blood


Since I really loved the first Diabolik Lovers game, obviously I had to play the sequel too!

I read many reviews before starting, so I was mentally prepared: everybody was complaining about the increase of random violence, so I knew it could be quite harsh to sit through.

Since the beginning, I realized that was true, unfortunately.

Even Subaru, who was my dear tsundere, was quite difficult to tolerate, even in the prologue; for this reason, I’ve decided to start from Reiji, because he’s usually a less violent character.

It was a good idea! I admit that his route was the most boring to me, in the first game; I hated his relationship with Shu, and I couldn’t even pity him for his inferiority complex.

But in More Blood there were interesting flashbacks, which showed how and why that hate began, so I could understand him better and I even grew to like him, in the end.

The plot was not that interesting, but at least I discovered some positive sides of this character, so I felt satisfied.

I’ve played Ayato next, and…………… it was bad. Very bad.

The problem wasn’t just his sadistic attitude, but also the terrible writing: all the scenes were the same, with nonsense violence repeating… who wrote this?!

I swear I was about to drop this route, I was very angry and I couldn’t stand his behavior anymore!

Each scene basically went like this: he told Yui that she was only a prey, and her blood was the only thing he cared about; then he sucked her blood, without caring if she was fainting, and leaving her alone. This terrible plot was basically the whole route.

I’m not even kidding, I had to play hours of this……… needless to say, in the end I couldn’t even look at his face, nor hear his voice. To be honest, it took me a lot of time before I changed my opinion about him.

Randomly, the writer decided that Ayato could become a tsundere in the end, and ask Yui to marry him. Why?! He treated her like shit since a few moments before……… I can’t even describe my frustration.

I’ve played Subaru next, hoping that at least his route would be better and he could treat Yui as a person… and I was not disappointed, this time.

It was also interesting to know more about his mother, she was really crazy… poor boy, he had to suffer a lot in his childhood. His ending was better than the first game, I enjoyed it a lot!

At that point, I’ve decided to try one of the new characters.

Azusa was my first Mukami, and his route was quite shocking: I wasn’t prepared for his absurd masochism, it almost scared me! His childhood was so sad, I pitied him a lot… I wanted to help him, because this boy obviously had some serious mental issues.

It may seem weird to say, but I appreciated Laito’s route too.

In the first game, I didn’t appreciate the lack of development in his character: he didn’t understand the meaning of true love at all, and he obviously couldn’t love Yui.

But More blood gave him a real growth, I could feel him changing a lot: he discovered love, and he realized that relying on someone else is not that bad; he became a better person, and it wasn’t all random and sudden (like it happened in Ayato’s ending).

Kou was the real surprise of this game to me.

I wasn’t expecting to fall so hard for a Mukami, but it happened!

He wasn’t easy to handle, but after I knew about his past, I’ve realized that he wasn’t really a bad person: he just couldn’t trust nobody anymore, and needed more time to open up and show his true self. In the end, I’ve decided to forgive his bad side, I think he deserved it.

Kanato was difficult to play: I didn’t like him from the start, because he pierced my ears in the first game too. There’s not even a plot in this route, I can sum it up like this: Azusa randomly shows up and talks toYui; Kanato is jealous and screams at Azusa to go away and die, then screams at Yui that he hates her and she should die too, because she’s a betrayer and a liar; then he sucks her blood.

In the ending, he suddenly becomes nice, for no reason.

I don’t know if I’m the only one who noticed this, but………. don’t you think that this terrible scenario was written by the same person in charge of Ayato? Because the problem is the same, every scene keeps repeating in a never-ending predictable circle!

Yuma’s route was way better.

I had so many feelings for this character, and so many expectations!

I imagined the plot would be quite different, but I enjoyed it anyway, even if many important parts were not completely explained. And he’s such a tsundere, he acts like a rude boy, but you can see he really loves Yui in the end!

Ruki is like the boss in the Mukami’s family, that’s why I’ve played him last.

I’ll be honest, it was a bit disappointing; I didn’t dislike him, but he was too serious and even boring sometimes. He was less violent than the others, I felt safer, but… I wasn’t completely satisfied.

I’ve played Shu last, because he was my favorite in the first game.

And I loved everything in More blood, too! All the flashbacks about his childhood days and Edgar made me so emotional… it was really a nice route.

Would I recommend this game?

I admit that most of the complaints you can read in every other review are true: there’s really more violence, and some routes suffer a bad writing and plotholes (or you can even say, there’s no plot at all). But there are also some positive points!

Personally, I enjoyed the new characters: they were interesting and most of their routes were well written; their past were really sad and made me emotional.

I even appreciated Karlheintz more, and I could understand better his relationship with his sons; maybe he’s not that bad, after all.

I think the people who enjoyed the first game should play More blood too, just be prepared: there are many issues here, and you may end up hating this series in the end (especially if you are a Kanato or Ayato fan).

Collar X Malice


Before playing this game, I was quite worried: many people complained about the difficult kanji, so I thought that buying it immediately instead of waiting for the english localization was a huge mistake.

But it wasn’t true! Obviously, this is not for beginners, but my japanese is not that good and still I had no problems.

Also, I was worried that an heavy plot could overshadow completely the romance part, making this game more like an action/detective game instead of an otoge…. that was wrong, too. Obviously, it depends on the route, but overall I didn’t feel a lack of romance at all.

I’ve played Mineo first, and I fell in love immediately: he was so awkward and shy, he could say the most embarrassing lines ever…. in one world, he was flawless. I couldn’t ask more from a character, there were so many funny scenes in his route, I just kept laughing at his reactions! And he was so cute when he was jealous… everything was perfect.

Also, his case was the most interesting to me, I could perfectly understand his sad feelings and his desire to give up… but in the end, he came back and he grew as a person, not only as a policeman.

His route felt complete, I really appreciated the writing too: serious and funny parts blended together very well and there weren’t boring moments at all. A really good start for this game!

Takeru’s route was completely different.

In the beginning, it was very serious and all about investigations; also, he was quite rude to the heroine, I even thought “Ichika, can’t you just chose another boy? Look around you, there are so many nice guys!”. But then, after accepting her as a partner, he became really nice, and I’ve started to like him.

The atmosphere felt overall heavier than Mineo’s route, there weren’t as many funny moments; but the cute scenes with Takeru made me fall in love with him really hard, he can be so nice and caring! The ending was perfect too, I was even screaming like crazy at the confession scene!

Kei interested me since the beginning, I fell in love immediately with his personality!

He was so caring towards the heroine, but at the same time really reliable and stoic with his job.

His constant research for a meaningful death made me really sad, I’m very glad that Ichika didn’t let it pass and got mad at him.

Somehow, this route felt longer than the others, probably because this case felt a bit boring to me, it didn’t get my interest as the previous routes; their relationship was also developing in an awkward way sometimes, they acted like lovers even before confessing, so it was a bit weird.

Anyway, the exciting ending made up for it, it was really cool! I just wished I could see more romantic moments.

Shiraishi’s route got me disappointed.

He was an interesting character for sure, I had great expectations and I was very curious about his secrets and his past… but I don’t think it was explained perfectly, I wanted to see more and understand better what happened in his childhood days.

Plus, his endings were really awful, I was not satisfied at all!

He couldn’t have a simple happy ending as the others, and that’s fine; but there were too many things happening in his route, at least I wished there was more focus on him instead of the case, because it just felt incomplete.

Yanagi’s route was obviously the most important, because it tied all the cases together and also unveiled the truth about the Xday.

It was awesome and shocking, I wasn’t expecting that person to be the real culprit and the mastermind behind everything! I had no idea, I was suspecting another person… the writing was amazing.

My favorite part was the last phrase in the end: “everyone has an invisible collar attached”,which got me really thinking…. it impressed me, I wasn’t expecting so many serious topics from an otoge.

Needless to say, this is my best otoge of the year.

I would recommend anyone to play it, absolutely! If you’re too afraid of difficult kanji, maybe wait for the english localization: I hope it will be good, because if it’s bad like the previous releases I’m going to be very angry this time.

Collar Malice deserves a perfect translation, because everyone has the rights to enjoy it as I did… people must not be condescending, this is a true masterpiece that can not be ruined by terrible memes or other random problems.

I don’t even know who is my favorite character, I enjoyed them all…. and I need a fandisk so badly, I hope Otomate will listen to our prayers soon!

Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal


Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal was one of my first otoge, and I’m still emotionally attached to it and this series in general; I was so unaware of Rejet’s madness back then, it feels like this game stole my innocence! It was such a shocking experience, I still remember it clearly.

First of all, the characters are so different from the nice boys you can usually play in a normal otoge: they are not caring, not gentle, and they don’t even love the heroine in the end; or most of them, at least.

There’s so much abuse and violence in every route, both physical and psychological, that makes you want to throw your console out of the window, when things get really bad.

So, the question is: why do so many people love this game?

Well, I can only talk about myself.

I’ve always been interested in creepy atmospheres and characters: bright scenarios and smiling boys can’t attract my attention; I’m not even a romantic person, even if it may seem strange if I think about all the otoge I’ve played in my life… but if I look at my favorite characters, from every game, I can always see some common points: the creepier, the better.

It makes me laugh, when I see people hating on Dialovers and their fans because “you shouldn’t support those wifebeaters! Would you love a guy like that in real life?”

Of course not. But this is a game, not real life. My boyfriend, obviously, doesn’t act like that. Never.

But I enjoy playing games because I can experience something different from real life, and it would be pointless to me if I could just date a nice guy in the 2D world too.

I think everyone should respect other people’s tastes, but I guess this can never happen… whatever!

This game has many strong points:

  • Satoi’s art is amazing.

    This was my first approach to her style, and I fell in love immediately; she’s still my favorite artist! I just wished there were more CGs.

  • The music is great.

    I loved the opening song, I think it fits very well the game and also the characters. I also appreciated the BGM.

  • The Dummy Head Mic is bliss.

    The first time I’ve realized that someone was whispering in my ear, I admit that my reaction was crazy! I wish more games had this feature, it’s really great.

  • All the characters are interesting.

    They all have a different personality, and their own mental issues; everyone would need a good psychiatrist, but it’s interesting to see how far they can get.

  • The seiyuus did an amazing job.

    Kaji Yuuki’s acting impressed me most of all, Kanato’s madness is really difficult to portray.

  • If you decide to give it try, you won’t forget it easily.

    With so many otoge released every year, many of them are just mediocre or forgettable. If you play this game, you’ll end up loving it or hating it, but it will leave you a strong impression anyway.

  • The endings are not predictable.

    Besides the many bad endings, which are really bloody and cruel, the good ones are quite original too; they’ll leave you wondering if the guy really loves Yui, or is just using her for her blood.

Now, let’s talk about the characters.

Ayato seemed to be the canon in the anime, and I really hated this decision: the adaptation made him look way more gentle than he actually is in the game, changing his personality too much in my opinion; the “real” Ayato was more obsessed by his mother, and I think he was just using Yui to become the legit new head of the family. I couldn’t feel any love in the ending, just his satisfaction to finally be the number one.

Laito wins the price for the most perverted character, but when you know something more about Cordelia, it’s not a surprise. Poor boy, growing up with such a mother as an example completely ruined his innocent mind… I pity him, somehow.

Kanato has probably the worst mental issues, because he has terrible mood swings: he keeps yelling, then crying… I was really afraid of him, I had no idea of what to do. He pierced my ears so badly……… his ending were also the creepiest!

Reiji was probably the most mature, but his obsession for perfection and his strong complex towards Shu made him paranoid and quite oppressive. Also, how could he be so cruel with Edgar? I still can’t believe that his pointless revenge involved an innocent child, that scene made me cry and dislike him very much.

Subaru was probably the only route that felt like a real otoge, because he has a nice tsundere side. Obviously, there were some random moments of violence too, but he’s not bad at all, compared to the others.

Shu was my favorite, no doubt! He was also a nice surprise, because I thought that it would be a quite boring route: he spends most of the time sleeping or listening to music, isolated from his brothers, so I was not expecting some interesting plot twist. But there was so much drama in his past, and so little violence, that he was like an angel! Also, I appreciated the fact that his route was completely free of Cordelia’s presence, I was sick of her.

Would I recommend this game?

Not to anyone, of course. But in general, I’d like people to give it a try, before judging.

This game is also the best of the series, so far; More Blood was way worse for various reasons, but I’m going to explain it in the next review.

My overall opinion about Diabolik Lovers

Most of my followers asked me to write reviews about all the Diabolik Lovers games, and this made me really happy; but I prefer to share my experience with this series, before starting.

I know many people dislike it, others even hate it, and I can fully understand why: the concept is unusual for an otoge, and some characters may be even disturbing for someone who is not into this kind of situations.

I think the fandom made things even worst, unfortunately, after the terrible anime adaptations aired.

Anyway, since I’m not in any way part of the fandom, despite liking the games, I’m not here to judge that; I just want to talk about myself.

Diabolik Lovers Hunted Dark Bridal was one of my first otoge, and I admit I was very shocked when I’ve played it for the first time.

Despite all the abuse and violence, I was really interested in those characters, because it felt like something different, that I couldn’t even imagine to play in my life: are they “real” vampires? I mean, they don’t sparkle or stupid scenes like that, they act cruel and sadistic! That’s amazing!

Call me weird if you want, but I appreciated that. It would have been easier to attract people just by using tsundere vampires, making the game more appealing like “Twilight”, but Rejet chose a different approach.

Unfortunately, More Blood was a disappointment for the most part.

I was very interested in the Mukami, and I appreciated the growth of the Sakamaki; but not everyone got a real improvement, some routes suffered a terrible writing and a general escalation of violence. Ayato’s route was very painful to sit trough, it was nothing but random abuses repeating in each scene.

For this reason, I’ve decided to stay away from Vandead Carnival; and after reading some reviews, I’m glad I did.

When Dark Fate was announced, I wasn’t very interested. At first I thought that I was already done with this game, and I didn’t want to get involved anymore; but somehow, I couldn’t resist the impulse to know more about the new characters.

In the end, I’ve decided to give a chance to the Tsukinami brothers, and bought that game.

It was really good for me to see some evolution in Yui’s relationship with the boys: many people thought it was just a smart move from Rejet, which tried to gain back some of the fans they lost with the previous game; it may be true, but I prefer to see it also as a natural growth of the characters, who finally started to feel some “human emotions”.

Some of the issues left in More Blood where solved too, and I was sure that it was the true ending of the series. Well, I was wrong.

Lunatic Parade was announced, and I decided to play that too, even if I was sure that it wasn’t going to be a memorable game. It was not bad anyway, it could have been better, but I don’t complain too much.

When I’ve seen Lost Eden’s trailer for the first time, I had mixed feelings: a part of me was happy, another part was angry. I’m happy, because I can get to play my favorites one more time; also, there’s a new character; but I’m also angry, because I feel that Dark Fate could be a good conclusion, which actually made sense.

Needless to say, I’m going to play that too, even if I know I may regret it.

I just hope this new game won’t waste anything good that was done in the past, but will add something new and fresh to the plot, before it starts gets boring.

I wanted to tell you briefly my opinion, before writing my reviews about the single games; I don’t want to take part in fanwars, so…………….. if you don’t like, don’t read. Simple as it is.

Oz mafia!!


Even before playing Oz mafia, I had quite a clear idea of what I could expect from this game; I won’t lie, I would have probably just skipped it, if Satoi’s art wasn’t involved. But since I’m a shallow person and all the characters looked so handsome, I’ve decided to try it.

I’ve played the PC version, which had a terrible problem: sometimes the voice dropped. And this also happened in the middle of the conversation! It’s not even a bug, it’s just a low budget problem, that’s why not all the sentences are acted by the seiyuus.

That alone was so irritating, that I was tempted to drop the game since the common route: but again, the beautiful CGs stopped me. I would do everything for Satoi’s art………. I sat through so many terrible games just for her, I should be an honorary member of her fanclub or something.

Caramia’s route was nothing memorable, even if he was quite nice and I didn’t dislike him; but when I reached the first ending, I’ve realized that to complete his gallery I had to unlock all his endings…. and some of them, involved cheating!

I still remember that this could happen in Storm Lover too, but I liked so much all the characters that I just played the normal routes instead; while Oz mafia seemed so plain to me, and with a mediocre writing, that this cheating option was way funnier!

I don’t understand Caramia’s reaction when the heroine admitted that she preferred another boy over him tho: he was just smiling nicely and accepting it. Why aren’t you even angry or sad? Did you really like her in the first place? I know he was very gentle with everyone, but that situation was so unbelievable that it made me angry, I swear.

I was very interested in Kyrie at first, but I realized immediately that I could never trust him. Even in the good endings, I couldn’t really love him and feel happy for the heroine, because I felt a constant sense of possible betrayal and general lack of trust.

But I think I can’t expect more, for an heroine like this: I think she was one of the worse I’ve ever played in my life. And believe me, I’ve tried many different otoge.

I’ll be honest, I don’t know how someone could love her, if not for her good looks; she wasn’t even able to stay faithful to them, poor boys… it was quite painful, to seat trough some cheating scenes.

Axel was really cute, I loved to see him blushing! He was probably the best boy for me, I just wished his endings were better, because I was not completely satisfied.

All the other characters have shorter routes with less endings, so the cheating option isn’t possible anymore.

I don’t appreciate much this decision: it’s obvious that the writers spent a lot of time working on the 3 main characters’ routes (with so many endings and CGs) while they just wasted all the potential of the other characters, giving them only a few scenes with even terrible plotholes.

Caesar was a nice character, and I think he could have been way better, if just the route was written decently; I don’t get why the heroine wanted to go see him outside of the city, even if in the beginning he was randomly trying to kill her. It feels like she fell in love at first sight, but…. how can you be so innocent and careless, girl? He could actually kill you!

Hameln’s route could have been very interesting too, because he had an original and quite complicated personality; unfortunately, I think I could complete his route in about an hour, so I couldn’t develop any deep feeling for him in such a short time. His personality also seemed too different, if you compare his role in other people’s route and how he acted when you actually get to play him… I was confused.

Robin Hood’s route was creepy.

I don’t know why, but I had this idea of him being a nice tsundere…. in fact, he was actually some sort of crazy yandere. Also, the heroine felt too desperate to be loved, she kept annoying him while he was working! In the ending, she was actually happy to be nothing but a replacement to his (almost dead) wife… but I can’t even feel sorry for her.

After recovering from this nonsense, I played Scarlet.

I don’t know if it’s just my opinion, but… was he friendzoned or something? I couldn’t feel any love from their relationship, there’s not a real romantic endings either. There are hints of him loving the heroine, but nothing more, not even a kiss scene.

I was already prepared to sit through a copypasta with Sou, because he’s such a cute and girly shota that I didn’t think I could ever see him as a real love interest. Sometimes he acted quite mature tho, but that felt so out of place, compared to his appearance… and also, the sad endings somehow made everything even more awkward to me.

I left the most interesting and crazy route last: the brothel!

I was so curious about that place, and the fact that Dorian Grey owned everything was so absurd that it made me even more attracted. He was a priest, and he looked like a gentleman, but in fact he had so many criminal affairs in that city… I was expecting the endings to be shocking too and I was not disappointed.

Probably some of these scenes are my personal favorites, because at least the heroine showed some personality and she even became the new boss! I don’t think I’ll be able to play again something like that in my life, it will always be a good memory.

My opinion about this game, anyway, is not very defined. It’s something like: “I have no idea of what I’ve played, but it was not that bad. Maybe?”.

If I had played the psvita full voiced port, it would have been way better for sure; don’t bother with the PC version, the voice vanishing in the middle of a sentence is really too annoying.

The 3 main characters route were not that bad: not great either, but the cheating option was quite original and enjoyable. Also, they have so many CGs, that I was sincerely amazed.

The writing in all the others was forgettable or just bad, but I think the idea was wrong from the start: why having so many playable characters? If they had focused on 5/6 routes, it would have been better for sure. Also the terrible, useless and bitchy heroine just gave a general bad feeling.

If you decide to play it, you have been warned!

Bad medicine


Bad medicine got me interested even before the release, because… well, do-s teachers, plus the dummy head mic, are something that I can easily enjoy.

Unfortunately, this game had a few lacking points that made it quite disappointing for me.

First of all, the length: it was very short, I think it took me about 4 hours to complete each route, even if I unlocked all the endings. I usually don’t like when routes are too long, because I get bored, but I can’t fully appreciate a character if everything ends so fast! Obviously, the shortness also leaded to plotholes and random endings.

I’ve started with the english teacher, because he looked like the creepiest to me: his eyes felt so cold, I was really afraid that he could actually do something really bad…. and I wasn’t that wrong, even if it could be worse. (it’s Rejet after all).

I didn’t expect the first do-s moment to happen so soon, I wasn’t mentally prepared and it scared the hell out of me! But in this game, everyone seems to hide a double personality, and that confused me a lot: one day, he was psychologically abusive for no real reason, the day after he was smiling like nothing happened. And it’s the same in every route!

I think the theme was supposed to be something like “he’s usually nice with his students, but he actually hides his true twisted personality”, but after the first shock, everything just seemed random and confusing.

When the first route ended, I still had so many questions left: did he act like that only with the heroine? Or he randomly abused many students, but everyone was too afraid to talk about it?

Also, some of the dummy head mic moments were a little awkward, because he was even too gentle… still, in a creepy way.

I liked the bad endings more than the good one, they are more original and they fit better the theme of the game and the relationship between the characters. They seemed more natural, than the forced “they lived together even after” trope.

The math teacher looked like a yandere when I first saw him, but he was actually not that bad. His obsession with perfect scores made me anxious, I understand that his past was quite traumatizing, but…. you can’t insult me like that, leave me alone please!

At least, the explanation about his dark side made sense somehow, so I can’t complain about the bad writing this time. The bad endings were really well done, I loved how crazy the heroine became after failing her test… she really lost her mind, it was amazing to see how it was perfectly portrayed.

The chemistry teacher was a shota, so I was sure he would end up screaming at me and crying like Dialover’s Kanato. He was actually less annoying than I imagined, his route didn’t even feel that creepy or scary…. but his bad endings are something I won’t forget easily. I think he got the worst ones, and believe me, even the others are really creepy!

The history teacher was probably the most normal of the bunch, and it felt a bit disappointing. He looked like my type, so I had great expectations, but he never scared me at all… his route was also quite boring, and even the endings were not memorable.

I wasn’t very interested in the civics teacher too, but I appreciated his honesty when he told the heroine that his nice attitude was fake: in fact, he just despised everyone in that school. He was very cynical and he loved to see people crying, but at least he admitted it.

The arts teacher must be played last, because he hides all the secrets in that school. He loves perfection, and wants everything around him to be perfect too; that’s why he decided that the heroine must take lessons and be closer to reach his ideal.

I sincerely hoped to know more about that punishment system, but I guess this game couldn’t be longer that this and explain further, so I won’t ask for more.

Do I recommend this game?

It depends. I think it deserves to be played just for the terrible bad endings, but there’s nothing more than that: the routes are too short, there are many plotholes and not all the characters are well developed… even the dummy head mic was quite wasted. The art is nice, but the CGs are not many, unfortunately.

But if you just want to play something short and without a deep plot, that allows you to enjoy some Rejet’s creepiness, this may be good for you!

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