Today I woke up randomly thinking about my poor blog and its embarrassing lack of updates; why couldn’t I be consistent, in the past two years? I used to have a regular writing schedule, when I was deeply into otome games. No matter how much I promise myself that I want to keep it alive, even if I’m into other hobbies now, I always ened up being lazy and giving up.
So today I’m here just to talk about my ideas for blog posts or series, that come to my mind and I wish they could actually see the light.
First of all: I’ve been asked about BL drama recommendations, but it’s really hard for me to give useful advice without knowing the person’s taste; so my plan is to write a series of posts about my favorite BL dramas, grouped by genre and setting.
Do you prefer innocent high school love? Comedy? Tragedy? Angst? Deep plots that will make you think about life, or just light hearted stuff to ease your mind?
I’m sure my readers would find easily a drama which perfectly suits their tastes, if they know what they’re getting into before they start.
I plan to write a first post about High school and College settings, then move to office/workplace settings, action, tragedy, sports… the list goes on like forever.
Please, let me know if you would be interested, any kind of suggestion is always appreciated.
Another plan I have, is to make my personal rankings: my favorite couples, actors, my most anticipated series… I miss writing my TOP10, they were always fun.
As usual, at the end of the year I won’t miss sharing my Awards, which this year will be dedicated to BL drama; I guess my new readers will be confused, since I’ve been writing about kpop for the past 2 years, but I’m switching topic again instead of choosing a specific theme for this blog and sticking with that.
This blog is not about otome anymore, but it’s not about kpop or BL either: it’s about me.
My hobbies, my life and whatever ideas cross my mind in a certain moment, I want to share everything here, like I’m doing today.
This post is some kind of brain dump, which I could have just written on my bullet journal, but I decided to share with you, hoping to receive some kind of feedback.
Would you be interested? Would you like me to write about something else?
I can’t give you otome content like I used to, but my will to write and share my opinions is still here, even when I’m too lazy to actually create some content.
Thanks for reading until the end, I hope some of my old time followers are at least a bit glad to find out something new here, it almost feels nostalgic!