My life, my hobbies, my real self

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Random post about Rejet and my backlog!

Hello everyone!

Autumn is coming, but somehow my mood is up lately! This summer was too hot, it’s been a living hell for almost 4 long months, I was waiting for rain like desperate. How is the weather where you live?

Recently, there was a big news in the otome games world: Sony has decided to stop the production of PsVita, which means this console will be officially dead in a few months.

Well, this is not surprising.

If we pretend to ignore how it failed in the western market, we must consider it’s pretty old now and it couldn’t just exist forever. Consoles change and improve, it’s a matter of fact!

I still remember when people were worried or pissed off, when otoge moved from PSP to PsVita; but it’s something we can’t avoid, let’s embrace it.

We already know Otomate is moving to Switch, but what are other companies going to do?

Iwasaki made a twitter poll, asking us to choose how we prefer to play Rejet games in the future.

There were 3 options: Switch, PC and mobile.

I answered Switch, even if I don’t plan on buying it soon: I can’t imagine myself playing games only on PC and mobile was obviously not an option for me.

I wish I could answer Ps4, but I guess it didn’t stand a chance and they ignored it from the start.

Have you voted on that poll too? What did you choose?

In the end, Switch won the poll, followed by PC.

I’m glad mobage came last, but still many people voted for it… too many people, it’s almost scary.

A future when the otoge console market dies may happen in a near future, I hope at that time I won’t be into this hobby anymore, cause it would be a huge pain for me, I’m not even lying!

I hoped Iwasaki would tell us something about it almost immediately, just to let us know what they are going to do with their future releases, but they decided to hold an announcement event in about 2 weeks instead.

I guess we just have to wait and see, I’m trying to keep my expectations low, but I still hope to hear good news: I’ve always loved Rejet games and it would be really disappointing if they just decide to go for mobage. My gaming life would feel empty!

On other news, after Piofiore there’s only one PsVita game left to order for me (or so it seems, so far), which is Shiro Kuro Alice FD.

I guess it’s finally time to take a proper look at my backlog, since I’m going to play all or some of those games in the next months!

I often joke about it, saying it’s terrible or neverending, so I’d like to show every game to you and hear your opinion. I’m sure most of the players are in a similar situation!

Let’s look only at the PsVita stuff, cause I’m too slow with my PC and PSP games, it may took ages before I actually get myself to start one of them. Yeah, I’m a bad person.

  • Re:Viced: old but good, or so I’ve read.

  • Hana Oboro: historical stuff with good art, it may end up enjoyable.

  • Yunohana Spring Cherishing Time: the first game was cute, I hope this will be nice too.

  • Tierblade Fragments of Memory: I’ve already played most of it, but it was boring and I wasn’t in the mood to complete it.

  • Nil Admirari FD: I loved the first game, I’m excited for this!

  • Shinobi koi utsutsu FD: I’ve already played half of it and it wasn’t that great, let’s see when I’m in the mood to complete it.

  • Piofiore: this is the game I’m looking forward to playing the most, I can’t wait! It could be my game of the year, I feel it.

  • Charade Maniacs: all those characters are kinda worrying, but I have good hopes.

  • Bad Apple Wars: I don’t expect too much, but it was cheap, so… yeah.

  • Norn9 Last Era: I’m so late for this, I’ll try my best to play it soon.

  • Kurenai no homura Sanada Ninpou Chou: basically an Hakuouki copy-cat, but let’s see if it’s enjoyable.

  • Code realize shirogane no kiseki: I’m getting a bit tired of this series, but I love Saint Germain so I had to get this.

  • Usotsuki Shangri La: Rejet stuff is always welcomed in my life.

  • Hyakka Yakou: probably not that good, but we’ll see.

  • Vamwolf cross: I admit it, I bought this just because it was cheap (about 1200 yen), but I haven’t great expectations.

  • Utsusemi no meguri: sexy oni trash, why not?

Since I’m almost done with Collar Malice Unlimited, I think I’ll complete Tierblade first: there’s not much left, it’s better if I end it now while I still remember where I stopped. But going for something older doesn’t seem like a bad idea too.

What do you think of my backlog? How is yours?

Please, tell me I’m not the worst!

About OtoPa 2018, Switch and random stuff

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I last posted something about myself, how have you been lately?

Summer holidays are officially over and I feel a lot better now: I’m finally getting rid of all the stress and the anger I had piled up in the last months.

But let’s talk about something pleasing, let’s forget about that stuff!

OtoPa 2018 ended a few days ago and there were a lot of announcements as expected.

It was a crucial event for me, since I was waiting for the new trailers to decide if buying a Switch in a couple months is worth the money or not.

If you follow me on twitter, you already know the answer: I’ve decided to wait for a few months, at least around March, before I reconsider investing 300 euro in a new console.

I’ll be honest with you: nothing I’ve seen so far really caught my eye.

It’s obviously too early, since some of those trailers lasted barely a few seconds and didn’t show many details, but nothing excited me enough to say “I need a Switch!! now!”.

I’d gladly play Cendrillon Phalika since it looks amazing, but there’s no way I would buy an expensive console for just one game.

Variable Barricade’s release has been delayed until April, which obviously means it’s going to have a Switch release. But it’s too early to tell, I’ll just wait for a few months and see what happens.

So………… what’s going to happen with this blog? Am I going to stop reviewing?

Of course, I’m not stopping at all!

I still have a huge PsVita backlog and I want to review some old games for PC and PSP, since I know there are out there people who still enjoy them.

One of my friends hasn’t bought a Vita yet, I bet she’ll be pleased! (You’re probably reading this, so hello!!)

If you have requests, don’t worry and ask: there might be games I’ve played but never bothered to review, because I thought no one would care.

But I’d happily write something if you are interested, no problem!

Now I’m playing Collar Malice Unlimited, so this will probably be my next review if I won’t decide to write something about Shiratsuyu no Kai before I complete it.

Tierblade Fragments of Memory will be up next.

I’m also working on other TOP10, so you can expect a lot of posts coming soon.

Since my blog’s anniversary is getting close, I want to be proud of my work and try to fix some lacking points… if you have suggestions, they are always welcomed!

5 years of otome gaming….

I’ve been playing otome games for about 5 years now: I’ve seen many changes, both in consoles (from PSP, to PsVita and now to Switch), in games (anyone noticed how there used to be way more Cero B years ago? Now the most common rating is Cero C, while Cero D is not that rare as it used to be) and even my personal preferences are different from the old days.

When I started, I used to enjoy way more school themes: I wasn’t interested in deep plots, I just wanted to date my good looking boys and hear their cheesy words.

After 5, 10 or even more otome games, I got really bored of those basic scenario, when ikemen fell in love with a generic heroine and nothing else happens, besides dates and fluff.

I started paying more attention to the plot and to the character development; at the same time, I started developing an interest in dark and creepy settings, with tragic themes.

Sometimes I wonder: if I’d replay now those games I used to love, would I still enjoy them?

I would like to try, but part of me is also kinda scared: if I had to find out that those games which get me into this genre were trash, I admit I’d feel kinda sad.

Maybe it’s better if I just enjoy the good memories I have, instead of ruining them with a cruel reality.

Playing otome games has become way easier lately, since there are many localisations: it’s something that seemed impossible to achieve years ago, when I was basically forced to learn Japanese, if I wanted to enjoy this hobby. I’m still glad I did anyway, at least I’ve learned the language! Memorizing kanji was hell, and it still is, but it’s also a nice challenge.

In 5 years, I’ve seen many people come and go, many blogs open and close: it really gives me the realization of the time passing by, even if it feels sad.

When a blog closes, mostly if it’s an important one I’ve always read, it almost feels like the end of an era. I can feel that something is changing, in this small world.

When a person stops playing or simply disappears from twitter, I can’t help but wonder what happened: what are they doing now? Are they happier? Have they found something better?

Who knows. People change, it’s normal.

I would lie, if I’d say that I’ve never thought about dropping otome games: I love them, but sometimes playing started to feel like some kind of chore.

I’ve seen many friends suffering from this problem, I guess it happens when playing every day becomes an habit.

It happened to me last year, around september, but then Otomate Party and my Japan trip managed to get back my gaming mood. And now? I’m not excited about games as I used to be, but I can say honestly that I’m not going to give up this hobby soon.

But who knows, life is a mystery.

Tell me about you, how long have you been playing games? Have your tastes changed?

Another random personal post!

Hello everyone!

A month ago, I asked you if I should write about myself here, or if it would be better opening another blog; ALL of you answered that this is the perfect place, so… here I am again!

Well, nothing interesting happened lately, but I was in the mood for sharing my latest opinions and recent events.

Since I have more free time lately, I’m starting to read a lot.

I’ve always loved reading, but I was usually kinda slow in the past years (I completed about a book every month), but now I’m finding myself enjoying this hobby way more.

I used to be a great Agatha Christie fan when I was younger and I’m appreciating again those books: I’ve been to the library a few days ago and borrowed a lot, I’m going to be busy for a long time!

It’s been 2 months since I started studying Finnish and I finally see some progress: when I read songs’ lyrics, I can understand a few words and sometimes I can grasp the general meaning of simple sentences.

I feel really proud of myself, Finnish is literally another universe from my mother tongue and I thought it would be impossible to learn on my own!

I hope this gives some positive energy to those of you who are struggling to learn a language (probably japanese, since you’re here): nothing is impossible, if you put your hard work and passion in it, every single day.

After Ikemen Sengoku, I’ve decided to try Rear Pheles.

I know, it’s a kusoge and I shouldn’t even have bought it, but you know I’m a Do-M and I can’t resist cheap otoge; wasting money and time is secretly my best talent, you know?

I’m struggling a lot with the awful minigame and I was on the verge of dropping it many times already… but I’ll do my best to complete at least one route and bring you some kind of review.

On happiest news, my boyfriend will be on holiday next week and he volunteered to watch otoge anime adaptations and write his troll reviews as usual!

I’m thinking about different kind of challenges or experiments, like making him guess a character’s personality or something about the plot of a game… I’m not sure yet, but I’d like to bring something new with his help, it may turn out being funny.

My next review is going to be kinda far away, but you can expect a lot of updates soon… let me know if you have suggestions!

Otome games are moving to Switch, what am I going to do?

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve written my last otoge review, but it doesn’t mean I’m not playing lately: my Ikemen Sengoku review will be ready in a few days!

In the meantime, let’s talk about the recent happenings.

As you probably know, Otomate is moving to Switch and we can assume everyone else will follow their lead soon. Rejet is going to make announcements next week and I expect them to choose the same path (if they keep making games… who knows, maybe Iwasaki has other plans now).

So, what am I going to do from now on?

I don’t have a Switch yet, but my boyfriend was planning to get it sooner or later (he’s a huge Nintendo fan). I guess we’ll probably buy one by the end of the year, or at the beginning of 2019.

Cendrillon Palika looks amazing, I’ve been waiting for the release since it was announced, there’s no way I’m going to miss it! Maybe I’ll be late to the party, but I’ll come sooner or later.

I’ve read various opinions about Otomate’s decision: as expected, while someone is happy, the majority of people are complaining or even deciding to drop this hobby… and I perfectly understand why.

I’ll be honest, I was kinda disappointed too.

Switch is an amazing console, no doubt about this, but giving up my dear PsVita is not easy at all; also, the price is still high, it’s not a console I can buy without thinking too much about money.

We all knew it was going to happen soon, but accepting this kind of changes it’s not so immediate: as you probably noticed, I still can’t get rid of my PSP completely, after so many years.

I’m that kind of person who holds dear any item connected to memories, so I enjoy going back from time to time to my low screen resolution, to remember how my passion for otoge started.

You can expect me to play on my PsVita for still a long time, since my backlog it’s not so easy to clean in just a summer.

There are also a lot of PC games releases lately, maybe I’ll try to catch up with some of them: playing on PC hurts my eyes easily, but I can slowly go through some good titles.

What are you going to do? Are you happy about the move to Switch? Are you planning to buy it?

I reached number 100!!

Hello everyone, this is a special post I really wanted to write, because I reached an important number: it’s my 100th article, yay!

Thank you for bearing with me and reading my nonsensical blabbering, your support means a lot to me! This little achievement makes me proud, I’ll keep doing my best to bring you useful reviews and entertaining topics.

Now, let’s take a look at the past, shall we?

My first post was my Code Realize review: reading it now makes me a bit emotional, I was really nervous when I shared it: I had no confidence in my english skills and I was afraid of the possible reactions; but you were all so kind, it was a great motivation!

My most read post is my TOP10 Otome games.

It’s not surprising, but I’m glad that a lot of people were curious about some titles ans asked me questions. It’s always a pleasure, sharing my love for my favorite games!

My most read review ever is a surprise: I thought it would be a Diabolik Lovers game, but it’s actually Blackish house Side A.

It’s quite weird, but I guess there aren’t many other reviews of this game, so Google suggests my blog. If I knew it would become so popular, I’d have written something better… well, it’s too late now, I’ll try to polish more my Side Z review when I’m done with the game.

This is what you loved the most of my blog, but what’s my favorite post?

My TOP10 are always fun to make, but my dearest posts are the ones about Japan: I loved sharing with you my experiences and I consider them as a personal diary I like to read from time to time.

The most memorable review I wrote is probably Moshikami, because commenting that horror was a traumatizing experience too. It was difficult to put my feelings into words and I think I could convey my emotions quite well. Same for my Black Wolves Saga review.

Well, that’s all I guess.

Let’s continue this amazing journey and let’s see how far we can get.

Once again, thank you for your love and support, see you soon with my next article!

My otome games collection (kind of)

I know, a long time ago I promised to make a decent “my otome games collection” post…. but I kept procrastinating, because there’s too much stuff and it would literally take me ages to show every single game and take decent single pics at everything! Yeah, I’m lazy.

So I decided to show only a few of my Psvita games, since they are the most recent and probably the most interesting.

Here’s an overall view

Let’s take a closer look!

Tierblade series

Psychedelica series

Klap!! series

Nihil Admirari series

Diabolik Lovers series

7’scarlet LE

Yunohana spring series

I’ll play Chouchou Jiken soon!

Ok, it’s enough I guess.

Sorry if I didn’t show everything……………. but if you want to see something closer, just ask me and I’ll add it to this post!

My drama cd collection!

Here’s my little drama cd collection!

I’m not a great drama cd fan, that’s why most of them come from otome games preorders or limited editions; Bad Medicine is an exception, since I bought it in Japan.

I reviewed a few already and I’ll work on the others soon…. let me know if something makes you curious!

Let’s look at them closely!

This came with the preorder of Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade

 This came with the preorder of Code Realize Shukufuku no Mirai

This is came from the preorder of Nihil Admirari

This came with the preorder of Collar Malice…. I already reviewed it!

This came with the preorder of Oumagatoki….. the game was so terrible, I’ve never listened to it….

This is from Shiro to Kuro Alice and I’ve already reviewed it!

Shinobi Koi Utsutsu! it was a great game, this drama cd came with the FD!

This came with the FD of Klap, I’ll play the game soon!

This is the drama cd of Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden, my review will come when I’m done with the game!

This came with Rear Pheles! this game has been sitting in my backlog literally for 2 years…………

I bought this in Japan, with the Limited Edition of Reviced

This is from the Limited Edition of 7’scarlet, one of the best games I’ve ever played!

I haven’t reviewed the drama cd of Haitaka Psychedelica because there were too many spoilers….. maybe I will, when the game is released in english!

This is the Bad Medicine drama cd, but it didn’t come with the game, I bought it in Japan because I loved the sadistic english teacher!

I’m done, I hope you liked them!

Next will be my otome games collection and it’s going to be way longer!

Neto juu no susume

I’ve been recommended to watch Net-juu no susume, since the protagonist is similar to me for various reasons: her name is Moriko, she’s a 30 years old girl who works for a corporate, but she can’t take the stress and decides to drop out. From that moment, she calls herself “elite neet”, since she voluntary chose to give up that kind of life and be free.

She lives alone and spends her days playing online games, to escape from reality and finally be happier in a word that suits her more.

In this game called “Fruits de mer”, she impersonates a young boy, instead of creating a character who looks similar to her: this choice surprised me a bit, I guess she really wanted to live someone else’s life, changing even her gender. Her character is called Hayashi.

Since he obviously starts from level one, he keeps dying until he meets Lily, a pink-haired girl who saves him and gives him a lot of useful advices which will help him to succeed in his first mission.

At this point, happens something I really don’t get: the protagonist falls in love with the girl.

But why? Maybe is common for japanese girls having crushes on 2D female characters, but since I’m an otome game player, this situations seems a bit weird.

Her feelings seem to be reciprocate, but…….. what would it happen, if the cute Lily was actually a boy, in real life? And if he lived close by?

This is basically what happens in the first episode, I’m not going to spoil more.

What can I say about this anime?

I really appreciate how there’s a slice of life which portrays in a realistic way the lives of young adults, instead of just focusing on high school kids.

The struggle of wanting friends online, but feeling embarrassed of talking about private matters, wondering if you’re going to be judged online too, it’s something I sadly know really well.

I also appreciate the fact that she was so insecure about her appearance, even if boys around her think she’s good looking: it reminds us to not be cruel to ourselves, because we don’t really know what others may think while they look at us; being confident is not easy, but over-thinking makes only everything worse.

I enjoyed this anime a lot, but it felt too short and the ending disappointed me.

Of course, it’s obvious what’s going to happen, so there’s probably no need to show everything; but still, cutting the anime like this makes it feel incomplete.

I wanted to see her being happy and accomplished in real life too, accepting her flaws and overcoming them… even something cliche, like her starting working with Sakurai, would have been good. I guess we can expect that to happen, but…. I wanted to see it, not just imagine it.

It also bothers me that we couldn’t see more of the other character’s life.

What about their friends? One of them is working in supermarket, but the others? Do they live nearby too? I guess not, but I wanted to know more anyway.

In the end, I’d say it was entertaining and original, despite its flaws; I’m grateful I could see more mature characters in anime, and also a difficult theme like this being portrait quite accurately.

I hope this will get a second season!

Diabolik Lovers anime DVD unboxing + Drama CD

While I was playing Laito’s route in Lost Eden, I suddenly remembered that I bought his version of the anime DVD, while I was in Japan. How could I forget it? Well, as usual, I was too busy at work and put it somewhere, when I came back, without looking at it never again.

Let’s unbox it now!

This is the cover

In the inside, there are two cds: one is the anime DVD, with episodes 3 and 4 and Laito’s special ending; the other one is a drama cd.

There’s also a small booklet.


There’s also Shuu’s card! But why not Laito?!


Let’s talk about the drama cd!

It starts with Ayato complaining about his uniform being all wet, and it’s all “that person’s fault”.

Then he shouts at Laito: “I know you’re here, don’t stare without saying anything!”.

Laito giggles and asks his brother why he’s so wet. It’s raining?

Ayato gets agry: that pervert needs to stop pretending he wasn’t there, he knows perfectly what happened. He was peeking at them, while they were at the pool.

Laito admits it and asks his brother how Yui’s lips were. It was probably her first kiss, after all.

Ayato is proud of himself: all her first times belong to him, since she came to his house. He’s not interested in things that already belong to other people.

Laito has the opposite opinion: the feeling of stealing someone from another person makes him excited! Yui is not that pure anymore after all, he already had fun with her too. She came to their house just to be a sacrificial bride, there’s no reason for him to act selfish.

Ayato is getting really angry now: he wants her all for himself, his perverted brother can look for other women to play with!

Shuu orders them shut up, he’s tired and wants silence, so he can finally sleep.

But then, he admits he saw that kiss too. And he wasn’t the only one, Kanato was present too.

Ayato’s naked body, while he’s waiting for his clothes to dry, is not a pleasing sight… can’t he just move somewhere else? He also takes baths while fully clothed, but it’s just because undressing is tiring.

While they are arguing, the clothes start to burn at the chimney’s fire.

Ayato gets even angrier. He order his brothers to stay away from Yui, she belongs to him.

Shuu replies sharply: why is he ordering him around? He has no obligations to obey and he doesn’t want to stay away from her. She’s their prey, he doesn’t need to search somewhere else.

Laito proposes to take a bet: they should ask Yui who is her favorite!

No one agrees and they all leave the room.

Laito sighs… his brothers are really boring.

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